I'm a college student in the good old midwest.

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Anyone's Any
Blue Goo Ate My Mom
Gaper's Block
In Passing
Incoherent Babblings of Me
Love Many Things
Maybe Tomorrow
Mighty Girl
Spastic Yak
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Saturday, January 31, 2004

So, you know how the other day I was sitting in the computer lab watching someone do homework, and getting paid for doing that? Well, now I'm sitting in a different computer lab. My "mentor" just left to go watch the basketball game. The two people who had been doing their project just left, because they were done. So, now I'm sitting alone in the Linux Computer Lab, talking to my friends on AIM Express, and trying to figure out what is so special about Linux. And I'm getting paid for doing it! This is a nice job. Especially now when I don't even really have to do anything. At all. Except sit here. And really, I could leave if I wanted to. But, I'm pretty comfy in this chair, so I don't think I'm going to move.

Posted by Serene Chaos at 2:58:00 PM °°°

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So I'm in the library doing Spanish homework. And the mouse keeps squeaking. It's really really annoying. And hurts my ears. Ouch. And I can't imagine that it doesn't also bother everyone around me. I checked to make sure it was clean (no optical mice around campus yet), and it was. But still, the loud, shrill squeak. Just like a real mouse. Only, without the teeth.

Posted by Serene Chaos at 4:16:00 PM °°°

Last night I was browsing through all the songs on the [---- College] iTunes network. (iTunes has this thing where you can stream music from all computers connected on the same network.) So, I found Ernie's moon song from Sesame Street. Then, I decided I wanted it to be my away message, but I was having a hard time finding lyrics. So, I transcribed it. (Of course, I looked for lyrics again today, and found a bunch, but, I'm posting the lyrics anyway.)

I Don't Want To Live On The Moon
Sung by Ernie from Sesame Street

Well I'd like to visit the moon,
On a rocket ship high in the air.
Yes I'd like to visit the moon,
But I don't think I'd like to live there.

Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above,
I would miss all the places and people I love.
So although I might like it for one afternoon,
I don't want to live on the moon.

I'd like to travel under the sea,
I could meet all the fish everywhere.
Yes I'd travel under the sea,
But I don't think I'd like to live there.

I might stay for a day there if I had my wish,
But there's not much to do when your friends are all fish.
And an oyster and clam aren't real family,
So I don't want to live in the sea.

I'd like to visit the jungle hear the lions roar,
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur,
There's so many strange places I'd like to be,
But none of them permanently.

So if I should visit the moon,
Well I'll dance on a moon beam and then.
I will make a wish on star,
And I'll wish I was home once again.

Though I'd like to look down on the earth from above,
I would miss all the places and people I love.
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon.
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon.

No I don't, want to live, on the moon.

Posted by Serene Chaos at 12:25:00 PM °°°

Monday, January 26, 2004

So, I am in the computer lab, having my first "mentoring" session for my computer user consultant job. That means I get to sit here and watch someone else watch everyone else work at their computers. But really that means I get to watch someone else do her homework. Which means I get to do my own homework, which is always fun.

Also, I definitely have more homework this semester than there are hours in the day. I have done very little procrastinating so far, and I already feel so behind, and it's only the first day of the second week of the semester. I had class at 8:00am today, and didn't stop working until 4:30 when I got back to my room. I worked straight through any free time I had and lunch. And still, I didn't really finish what was supposed to be finished, not really even close. (Also, I read the syllabus wrong, so I kinda only read half my Spanish, which was part of the problem. So I had to somehow read something like ten pages of Spanish in less than an hour, which is nearly impossible for me. Oh well.) I think I have more work now than I did junior year with all the AP classes. Except now I have fewer extracurricular activities. Or, whatever I do have (except for this oh-so-difficult job) are optional. I go wall climbing when I can. I go to club meetings when I can. I go work out when I can (but not after 8:30 because the physical education complex closes super early!) I take walks across campus. But, I also do a lot of work.

But on the other hand, two of my classes I have had before, and would not even have had to take if I were going to an easier school. I have to take intro to psychology again, even though I passes the AP test because they require a lab along with it. And I have to take statistics (the math of the devil, I tell ya') again, because I didn't score high enough for [---- College] to accept my AP score.

On the other other hand (I'm working on growing a third one out of my nose), I had to read 90 or so pages for education. Which is not supposed to be the time consuming class. (Spanish is supposed to get that honor, and don't worry, it is plenty time consuming.)

Now, it is snowing, and has been all day. The snow really is beautiful. Except everyone is going sledding at 11:15, and I am going to be here in this lovely computer lab then. Not sledding. At least I'm making money, for doing homework.

And on that note, I will now go back to the homework. Yippie. And, *yawn*.

Posted by Serene Chaos at 10:42:00 PM °°°